
Monday, August 12, 2013

30 Day picture challenge: Day 22

I didn't really know what to shoot for "my inspiration" so I decided to draw from other pictures instead. Ansel Adams has long been my inspiration, in fact, he was one of the reasons I started getting into photography in the first place. He was a revolutionist, a rebel, an activist, a hippie, and even a tad bit crazy (the good kind of course).

"Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space. I know of no sculpture, painting or music that exceeds the compelling spiritual command of the soaring shape of granite cliff and dome, of patina of light on rock and forest, and of the thunder and whispering of the falling, flowing waters. At first the colossal aspect may dominate; then we perceive and respond to the delicate and persuasive complex of nature."
— Ansel Adams, The Portfolios Of Ansel Adams

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