
Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 Day picture challenge: Days 13 & 14

I was bad and I didn't get to post the picture of the day yesterday, in my defense though I did take the picture, I just didn't post it. For my "cannot live without" it would have to be my Saturdays with the boyfriend. No matter what our schedules, we've always managed to hang out on this day (even when I was working 8 hour shifts every weekend). We make an effort to devote this day to fun, happiness, and adventure. Yesterday also happened to be full of 500ft aliens (we saw Pacific Rim, it was pretty badass).
For my "eyes" shot I learned that #1 I am not very good at winking and #2 eye shots are pretty hard! You have to find the perfect lighting or else it's crappo. I placed a mirror under my face to reflect some light but it's still not as bright and crisp as I would like...gonna have to work on these.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! Recipe post soon to follow.

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