
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Oregon Renaissance Faire

Lewis and I have always been a fan of Highland Game events so when my friend suggested that we check out the Oregon Ren Faire I thought, hey, why the heck not? I'm always down for a large festive gathering with food and beer and when you throw creative costumes into the mix, it's a recipe for a perfect time.

My friends who are obviously vastly more talented than I am at rocking the Ren Faire festive garb.

They had a super jolly Biergarten set up with local beer, wine, AND MEAD. I haven't had mead in so long and it was top-notch! Also, if you tip the bartenders, all of them shout-out HUZZAH FOR THE TIPPER!!

No faire would be complete without a slightly inappropriate pickle vendor

Sooo many interesting vendors and signs - you all know I love a good pun! 

The jousting event is DEFINITELY worth the trip alone. Each portion of the crowd is assigned a knight so it's really fun cheering with the folks around you. Our group was located on the Biergarten side so we, of course, were the loudest and most rambunctious. 

Hellooooo Braveheart lol, of course, the Scotsman was the shirtless dreamy knight. 

First Ren Faire was a success - HUZZAH!

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